UK Cabin Crew medicals

Dr Lucinda Homer performs UK cabin crew medicals


  • Please book your appointment through the booking service on this website
  • Cabin Crew do NOT require a CAA Cellma portal account
  • Please complete the application form BEFORE your medical. You can download the form on my website here
  • Please review the cabin crew medical requirements on the CAA website, this will guide you on whether you will meet the fitness standards





Useful Information


What to expect at your UK Cabin Crew  medical


The medical will take about 45 minutes.


You will need to come prepared. Please bring:

  • Photo identification
  • Your old medical certificate (if relevant)
  • Glasses and prescription (if relevant)


You will complete the application form, which we will then go through together.

The medical involves a physical examination of heart, lungs, abdomen and nervous system. You will have your height, weight, pulse and blood pressure measured. You will have your vision and ears assessed.


If you meet the medical standards required by the UK CAA, I will issue the certificate (“attestation”) on the day of your medical.


If you do not meet the standards required by the UK CAA, then you will be assessed as “unfit”. You may need to have further tests and submit reports from other specialists. I will be able to guide you through the process. All extra costs incurred, are your responsibility.


If you are made “unfit”, I will charge for the time I spend reviewing your case. This time is typically spent on “casework” and comprises: writing referrals, reviewing specialist reports, communicating with you, communicating with the CAA medical department. You may require a review appointment with me if the casework has been complicated.


What will the medical cost?


£168 inclusive of VAT at 20%


Useful links:



What if I am not assessed as fit? - you are able to apply for a review of your case. Applicants who wish to appeal against the decision of an AME or OHMP should contact the CAA Medical Department at

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