Our BIRMINGHAM location is at:
Quadrant Court, 48 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1TH.
Please note Dr Homer & Dr Empson are able to offer UK medicals only.
Please note we no longer provide cabin crew medicals.
The UK CAA introduced a new software system for Class 1, 2, 3 and LAPL medicals on March 29th 2021. You can access the CAA and customer portal application process by clicking the link below. The account can take up to 10 days for the CAA to verify. You cannot do this on the day of your medical.
Click here to access the CAA Customer Portal
Click here for the CAA Cellma applicant guide
If you wish to book for an Initial Class 2 medical you MUST apply for a Cellma account before you attend for your medical.
After March 29th 2021, you will no longer be able to have a Class 1, 2, 3 or LAPL medical if you do not have a Cellma account. The paper application system is being phased out, and you will need to complete your medical application and CAA payment on line BEFORE you attend for the medical.
You will no longer be able to complete this step on the day of your medical, failure to comply with this instruction will mean that your medical will be cancelled and rebooked at a later date. The usual last minute cancellation fees will apply.
You MUST bring photo ID to your medical.
Please make a note of your CAA reference number and bring it to your medical.